Hamden High School
Welcome Hamden CT High School Class Of 1962
A free website for classmates & guests. There are no fees or charges for joining.
Once you've joined, please remember to use this site to notify us of any updates or corrections to your Contact Information, i.e., home address, telephone number and email address.
Please feel free to post announcements or photos that may be of interest to other classmates. All material will be screened for appropriate content and language. Please do not post any personal, political or religious beliefs or opinions.
We do not share or sell classmate information with anyone. After joining... in order to protect the privacy of our classmates we urge you not to divulge your password to anyone.
To BEGIN / JOIN: Click on "Classmate Profiles" on the top horizontal bar. Find your name, click on it and follow the instructions for joining. NOTE**It may take up to 24 hours for a site administrator to verify your information & approve your membership. This is done solely for the security of All our members. Please do not be offended but please do be patient.
Questions or concerns: contact the site administrators:
John Nutcher (jpn4045@sbcglobal.net)
Eleanor Lucibello Marsoli (elrob22@yahoo.com)
Maria Russo Leveton (marialeveton@gmail.com)
This is a private site for OUR HIGH SCHOOL Graduates and guests. Classmates that did not graduate with our class year (or school) may be admitted on an individual basis as Guest Members. All memberships, regardless of admission qualification, will be granted, denied or revoked at the sole discretion of the site administrator/s. The privacy and security of all registered members will be considered a priority for the purpose of invitations, admittance, denials and revocations.